16 Benefits of Greenlife Chinese Royal Tea

Chinese Royal Tea

Greenlife Chinese Royal tea is earliest type of tea in history and also the most popular tea type in China. It's often praised for its amazing green tea health benefits.

It is true, drinking Chinese green tea regularly improves skin and protects your body from cell damaging free radicals. This secret of longevity was discovered centuries ago by Chinese villagers who drink a few cups of green tea every day.

Greenlife tea can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, dental cavities, kidney stones, and cancer, while improving bone density and cognitive function.

Health Benefits and Functions of Chinese Royal Tea

Greenlife Chinese royal Tea is well known for the following functions,

1. Remedy for weight management; it slims you down through a much healthier way.

2. It prevents obesity.

3. It prevents and treats diabetes; it reduces sugar level.

4. It removes oil; anti-oil after your meals.

5. It is warm protection for your stomach.

6. It is a refreshing, re-energizing and rejuvenating daily healthier drink.

7. It is anti-diarrhea.

8. It is anti-aging.

9. It is anti-cancer.

10. It is anti-lipids.

11. It prevents and regulates erratic blood pressure.

12. It is a holistic internal detoxifier, purifier and cleanser.

13. It cleanses the intestinal tracts.

14. It rapidly clears nagging soars throats.

15. It clears toxin and heat in liver, heart, and stomach channels with congestion due to phlegm-heat.

16. It amazingly enhances your optimal sexual performance.



Open the package and put the tea into a cup or pot, add about 200 to 500 ml hot boiled water and wait for 2-3 minutes. Drink tea water but don’t take the tea leaves.



One sachet per day. Drink repeatedly by adding more water at intervals. 


5g per sachet by 15 sachets.

Price: ₦6000

Contact: 08083377504


  1. Hello please what is the price of Royal tea

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